Self Talk
I have often mentioned CBT before and I see so much positive results from women who practice this on a daily basis or when the need arises.
Looking at what triggers your anxiety will help you break it down into manageable elements. If you can isolate the thought, which led to the feeling and behavior that is the first crucial step in CBT. The anxiety will not seem so daunting when you begin to isolate those events or situations that cause you anxiety.
Looking at what triggers your anxiety will help you break it down into manageable elements. If you can isolate the thought, which led to the feeling and behavior that is the first crucial step in CBT. The anxiety will not seem so daunting when you begin to isolate those events or situations that cause you anxiety.
It’s also a good idea to look at where you are in your menstrual cycle, as many women can find that anxiety spikes alongside their premenstrual phase, a symptom of PMT. If you know your anxious symptoms are elevated around the time before your period, you can actually relax a little, knowing that it is a manifestation of your hormonal cycle and not any real world events you need to be worried about. It is also helpful realizing there is a time limit – and an end in sight to the heightened anxiety.
Try telling yourself: “this happens every month, and it will feel better in a week’s time. In the meantime, I am just going to mind myself and use my CBT techniques to get me through it.”
Self-talk is hugely influential in how we manage our daily activities and anxieties, for example:
‘I can’t cope’ replace it with:
‘Let’s see how well I can deal with this’
‘Everyone is looking at me’ replace with:
‘I will notice my reactions more than other people, they may not notice’
Be compassionate with yourself when your anxiety appears 💖
Try telling yourself: “this happens every month, and it will feel better in a week’s time. In the meantime, I am just going to mind myself and use my CBT techniques to get me through it.”
Self-talk is hugely influential in how we manage our daily activities and anxieties, for example:
‘I can’t cope’ replace it with:
‘Let’s see how well I can deal with this’
‘Everyone is looking at me’ replace with:
‘I will notice my reactions more than other people, they may not notice’
Be compassionate with yourself when your anxiety appears 💖