I’m so glad you’re here
As Ireland’s first menopause coach, I understand that every woman’s journey through the menopause is different. Your needs are different to mine, or to the needs of any other woman I’ve worked with.
But one thing that remains constant to us all? We all need support through the menopause. That’s what I provide to you.
I understand, firsthand, the rollercoaster ride that is the menopause—I'm on that ride myself.
I’ve always had an interest in health and wellbeing, but it was when perimenopause took me by surprise at age 44 that I started focusing on women’s health specifically in this phase.
What I found? Traditionally, there’s been very little support or understanding available for women going through the menopause.
It’s almost like as a society, we’re afraid to talk about it. It’s almost like women are expected to close their mouths, grit their teeth, and get on with life as if everything is normal.
But I know nothing is normal during the menopause, and you’re probably here because you know that too.
So I’m changing the way we approach the menopause by ending the silence that surrounds it, and I hope you’ll join me.
Since becoming a menopause coach, I’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of women in one-to-ones and thousands of women through speaking engagements.
I know from working with all of these women that every woman’s experience is unique. But I also know that once we first find relief for the most severe symptoms, we’re able to work on ways that make menopause not just something to be endured, but something that can lead to a fuller, more powerful chapter of a woman’s life.
I’m the founder of the Menopause Success Summit, Ireland’s first national menopause-focused summit, and I’m the Irish representative for the Daisy Network, a support network for younger women diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), a very early form of menopause.
I’ve promoted menopause awareness through talks at Royal Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Savour Kilkenny, national events and I am regularly featured in the media.
And don’t forget my bestselling book ‘All You Need To Know About Menopause’, so you can have access to key information to support you on your journey.
Whether you want to book a talk for your workplace or join me to become part of the mission to empower women with the knowledge we all need during one of the most important phases of our lives.
Catherine is an affiliated member of the British Menopause Society.
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