Post Menopause: What's It All About?
This week on Menopause Uprising, we’re diving into what happens after perimenopause. While there’s a lot of conversation around perimenopause right now, it’s just as important to understand what to expect in post-menopause.
Amanda Delaney's Real & Refreshing Menopause Journey
This week on the Menopause Uprising Podcast, we’re joined by the inspiring Amanda Delaney. Amanda shares her powerful story of attending the Menopause Success Summit, where she realized that her struggles weren’t “all in her head” and began her journey to find real solutions for her symptoms.
Skin & Hair Secrets Every Woman Should Know
Our skin and hair greatly impact our confidence and well-being. Women often feel pressure to have flawless skin and thick hair, but both respond to hormonal changes throughout life. When we face issues like unhealthy skin or hair loss, we want to know why and how to fix it.
Early Perimenopause with Hannah Daly: Finding Answers and Relief
Today on Menopause Uprisng Podcast my guest is Hannah Daly. this episode I'm chatting early perimenopause with Hannah Daly. Hannah was recently featured in the RTE documentary Lost for Words.
When Cancer Knocks on Your Door
My guest this week on Menopause Uprising is, Dearbhaile O'Hare. Dearbhaile is a survivor of breast cancer and has written a book telling her story.