The Daisy Network

Welcome to the Daisy Network For Ireland.

Here we provide information and contacts for those who have been diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) and want to find local support.

Join us

I am the longstanding Irish representative for the Daisy Network. As  a Menopause Advocate I have been shocked and saddened by the lack of support in Ireland for younger people diagnosed with POI.
As you know I am passionate about breaking the taboo about menopause but I am also passionate about more support for those younger women among us who have an even more difficult chapter to navigate in early menopause.
Support at all stages of this journey is crucial and still very lacking in Ireland - my plan working with the Daisy Network in the UK is to change this and offer grass root support to those women who need it.

We now have a Virtual Support Group where we meet each month on Zoom and cover different aspects of POI, sometimes just the group but more often I will arrange for other experts to join us to shed as much light and answer as many questions as we can.

We would love to have you join us, please send me an email to : for all details.

Local Medical Menopause Specialists
Women diagnosed with POI can be referred by their GP to any of the Complex Menopause Clinics in Ireland.
Dublin Holles Street
Dublin - Rotunda
Dublin - Coombe

Private Clinics:
There are many private clinics and doctors also available. You can contact Catherine or the support group direct for local information to your area.

Please click here for more information on the Daisy Network